This party was created by Sooby Events for her eldest daughter Phoebe, seven, and eldest son Elijah, five, who had birthdays within a fortnight of each other. They wanted to share their special days with each other so requested a joint party.
Sounds sweet, doesn’t it? One slight problem, Elijah insisted on a captain Hook party and Phoebe…Queen Clarion – Queen of the Fairies. In the end Elijah and Phoebe agreed to compromise on a Peter Pan/Pirate Fairy theme. For Sooby Events, it was alternately fun and testing to combine the Pirates & Fairies theme.
Sooby Events handmade all of the party invitations, complete with fairy dust in a bottle.
Graphic Design: Melnea-Creations ~ Cakes, cupcakes, cookie stacks, chocolate oreos & cookies: Julie from Cakes ~ Cups and pops & cake pops: Cake Pop House ~ Macarons: Whisky Business ~ Styling: Sooby Events
Have a great party you’d like to share with us? Get in touch!
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